Sequence and Series



A sequence is a function defined on set N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …} of the positive integers. Since, the domain of every sequence is the set N of natural numbers, so the sequence is represented by its range.

The image of 1, 2, 3, …, n, … under the function f are generally denoted by t1, t2, t3…, i.e.,    t1 = f(1), t2 = f(2), t3 = f(3), …, tn = f(n) …..


If t1, t2, t3, … tn … is a sequence, with terms t1, t2, t3…,tn,... then the expression of the form

t1 + t2 + t3 + …. + tn + … is a series with terms t1, t2, t3……


It is not necessary that the terms of a sequence always follow a certain pattern or they are described by some explicit formula for the nth term. Those sequences whose terms follow certain rule or follow certain pattern are called progression. The special types of progression are

i)      Arithmetic progression

ii)     Geometric progression

iii)    Harmonic Progression.

Arithmetic Progression (A.P.)

A sequence of numbers is said to be in arithmetic progression if the algebraic differences between any term and preceding term is constant through the sequence. Thus terms t1, t2, t3, ... are said to be arithmetic progression if t2 - t1 = t3- t2 = t4 - t3 etc. The difference between any term and its preceding term is called the common difference and it is denoted by d.

For example: 1, 3, 5, 7, … are in A.P.

Then the common difference = 3 - 1 = 5 - 3 = 2.

The nth term

Let a be the first term and d be the common difference of an A.P. Then

2nd term t2 = a + d = a + (2 - 1)d

3rd term t2 = a + 2d = a + (3 - 1) d

4th term t4 = a + 3d = a + (4 - 1) d

….. ….          …..

nth tem tn = a + (n - 1) d

Arithmetic Mean

i)      Single arithmetic mean between a and b

         Let m be an arithmetic mean between a and b.

         Therefore a, m, b are in A. P., then

        m - a = b - m

or,    2m = a + b


Properties of A.P.

i)      If each of the terms of an A.P. be increased or decreased by a constant quantity, the resulting quantities are in A.P. with the same common difference as before.

ii)     If each terms of A.P. be multiplied by or divided by a constant quantity, the resulting quantities are in A.P. with a common difference equal to that of given series multiplied or divided by the corresponding constant quantity.

Geometric Progression

         A sequence of numbers is said to be in geometric progression when the ratio of each term to its preceding term is always a constant quantity. The constant ratio is called the common ratio of G.P and it is denoted by r.

The nth term

         Let first term of G.P. be a and r be the common ratio then,

         Second term t2 = ar = ar2-1

         Third term t3 = ar2 = ar3-1

         Fourth term t4 = ar3 = ar4-1


         nth term tn = arn-1

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